Jul 6Liked by Elizabeth McGrew-King

I love the candle and what it says and means. I wish so many times I lived closer to you and your family, as

well as, my girls and grandkids. Being so spread out has a tendency to leave me feeling alone too. The thought crossed my mind…I need to come up. Just to be physically close. FaceTime is precious, but it’s not the same.

I have so many books I can suggest, for Kiddo and some for you. I’ll look for them and send a list.

I love the use of your word “bandwidth!” I don’t often think of it that way, when I’m feeling alone or stressed, but I get it. I totally get it. For me….I walk, I practice Yoga with Adrienne for specific poses that help me relax. I talk to God…OUT LOUD, I cry (not very often any more), it only helps temporarily. I call Leslie mostly. Or a friend occasionally. I search my Bible for PEACE verses and doing all of this I use my BREATH. Deep breathing creates space in my body to think straight.

You can FaceTime me or Marco Polo me anytime you need to decompress or vent. I love you so very much and there’s absolutely no judgment here on feeling overwhelmed.

You could probably talk to Leslie too. She has walked this road with Quinn and is still walking it today.

I know you and Jason are a great support to each other. It is bigger than the two of you, so share your feelings with each other. It helps.

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Catching up with comments, and thank you for the books you sent! It helped to feel seen last week in the midst of all that’s swirling known and unknown. Plus last week was bumpy as Kiddo settled into being home with J while I was at work.

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Jul 6Liked by Elizabeth McGrew-King

Yep yep and yep!!! Get my # from my mom❤️❤️❤️ call ANYTIME

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Beth…… I am always so humbly awed at your writings!!!! My heart is hugging you right now, and it makes me want to drive to the airport and hop on a plane and come hold you in my arms and just sit and be still with you. No talking! No crying! Someone I love and miss VERY MUCH used to tell me “Don’t CRY! You’ll only get a headache!” And she was right.

But, I’m crying right now thinking about her and how she would be by your side, walking this challenging and new road with you.

I honestly am praying daily for you and Jason and Kai, because when I haven’t heard from you in a while, I know you are preoccupied with “Life.”

I pray you find the dust of Rabbi Jesus’ feet as seek help and guidance and direction. He is there, just waiting for you. I love you and I hope you know how much.

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